Party President Election

Day 725, 12:19 Published in Japan Japan by no1kevlin

Make sure to vote in the Party President Elections and show your support.

I'm running again for Party President of TFC Party and hope that I can count on your support and Votes people.

Since I took over the party last month I have brought the party back from the dead. I took over a patry of nine members that was in danger of dropping into the ghost town that is Page 3 of the Political Parties and took it storming not only into the Top 5 but all the way to the Third largest party in the country.

On the back of that enlargement I was able to help several friends and comrades to get into Congress thanks to TFC Party support, members who have been very active in the national forum.

I have re-invigorated the TFC section in the eJapan forum to include many fun threads, a free party lotto, several clubhouses and plenty more. Come check it out!

The latest TFC initiative I started was the TFC Militia which is to enable our members to gain XP and rank through free weapon donations.

I look forward to leading the party onwards and upwards during the next month and I hope you'll support me in this so we can make the TFC Party stronger together.