Party Presidency

Day 693, 17:24 Published in USA USA by Harrison Richardson

I take a short break from my new players series for a breaking news announcement:

I'm running for the Democratic Party Presidency.

... but it's really not that big of a deal. What does a non-top 5 Party President do, really? Not much, sans being the visible head of the party. The real party is run by the Elders, people like Chocolate McSkittles, Habraka, and James Harding (among many others :3). I'm running for the xp, as a visible face to help us grow, and to further the goals of the party.

So just what are we doing?.

I'm proud to say the Democratic Party has passed the century mark. This is an astonishing feat for a party so young and I'm proud to be a part of this splendid game mechanics (sorry, Emerick) movement. Our forums ( are quite active, on par or better than any top 5 party. Our IRC (#democrats on is full and vibrant. And most importantly, people are starting to realize what our party stands for. More than anything else, the movement is gaining ground and other parties are taking notice. That's the goal: for every party to be just like us. I think I can firmly say we're moving in that direction ... and that is the final goal.

