Party Hard or Party Smart?

2 days ago Published in USA Canada by TestOneTestTwo

Firstly, I want to give a huge shoutout to all who responded to my first article! You rock!

I am trying to work through some of these missions. I have only played since April. I try to play daily.


As a humble eCitizen, you stumble upon a massive online strategy game set in a mirror-like world. It seems overwhelming at first.

As a new citizen you will be approached by other players asking you to become a member of their "party". If you have the time, do a little fieldwork before choosing. You are not stuck if you decide you aren't a good fit, but why risk an awkward breakup?

When choosing a party in eRepublik, it might be good to approach it like picking your squad for virtual game night. There's a group for every style of play, from hardcore strategists to laid-back socializers.
Pros: You'll find support, shared goals, and maybe even some valuable in-game perks.
Cons: Sometimes you end up in a party where everyone's arguing over battle tactics instead of enjoying the game.
Choose your party wisely to avoid getting virtually stuck between a pixel and a hard place.


Why did the eRepublik player join a political party instead of going to a real-world party?

Because they heard political parties have better drama and fewer awkward dance moves!