Pakistani Babies

Day 838, 11:33 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Policy
What can YOU do to help?
Company Owners
How the project benifits Pakistan

Recently the Government Of Pakistan has started a baby boom for the nation. Although this idea has been in the works for a long time it has only recently been put into full swing. We have established certain sites where we will attempt to attract new citizens.

What can YOU do to help?
Well, if your probably in the same financial situation as most of our current citizens you don't have much GOLD or PKR to give the project. What you can do is vote this article so more people can see it. Join our Facebook & Orkut groups and invite ALL your it, this will get us more babies. You can also make a fake Facebook or Orkut profile, make lots of friends then invite them all to the group.

Company Owners
What we need that is crucial to the project's success is low skill jobs. Without a job the babies will die, and that will be fail. I know empoloying babies is not profitable, but do this for the nation. A couple of 0/1 skill jobs will be sufficient. It's not going to hurt your profi margins much is it? But remember, pay them a good wage so that they can buy Q1/2 food. Otherwise you might aswell not make a job.

Read the wiki, and pay attention to the tutorial. Work, Train and buy food every day. Also try to read most of the articles in Pakistan or around the world.
This can be done by:
Scroll to the bottom of "News" > Click More News > Choose country from drop down menu.

How the project benifits Pakistan
One of our main problems is our population or lack of. With a good base of active citizens we can climb the militarial ranks and defend our nation. More citiznes also means a better economy because demand for products will increase, increasing jobs and pay and ofcourse more taxes for the state.
Also for each baby reaching Level 6, the treasury will get 5 GOLD. 4 babies = New State Owned Company. Or 8 rather, considering the modul (curses wigs). State owned business is critical for us as AgentChieftan outlined in his second last article.

Happy "Making babies"!


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