Pakistan is declared hostile and Greene12 Interview

Day 1,147, 17:13 Published in USA USA by Chris Hartman

The 50 States


Pakistan declared hostile, in an unexpected turn of events. No White House Press release or anything from any cabinet members that I can see. The Pres. and his people are changing things up. New minimum wage, new welcome message, all expected with new congress and POTUS. Below is the Interview with Greene12, the current Federalist Party Pres.

1. How do you think the current POTUS can improve on our last one?
“Well frost did great work clicking the button to attack mexico, but I personally hope that haliman outdoes frosty and pushes every single red button there is. Damn the consequences, lets attack everyone. I would like an american hank scorpio, I would love that.”

2. Do you agree with the POTUS cabinet choice so far?

“Looks like a great group of people, Hal picked out some awesome americans and I expect a pretty solid month out of this cabinet.”

3. What do you think about Canada joining PANAM?

“I kinda hope they don't. I'm all for drastic changes in alliances, the old ones are so stale and the brolliance has been "meh" for ages now. Lets forget WWIII finally and change things up. Personally, I hope canada can get some allies together, we can get some other allies together, and then our two countries can meet in glorious combat. Can-Am II = tons of fun. “

4. Do you feel that some of Europe’s super powers pose a threat to eUSA and its interests?

“We can take em. Long as the alliances are different I don't care a whole ton about how the war goes, I just want an interesting fight.”

5. Are you running for Federalist Party Pres this month?

“Nope. I'm too old for this.”

7. Why aren’t you running again and who do you think would make a good Party Pres?

“I've run plenty of times, sat in this chair too long really. I think all the candidates, angelini, Hobbitton and jdr1986 are solid folks and would do a good job. I'll leave it to our primary to decide who will make the best pp out of them 😛

8. What kind of future do you predict for the eUSA and the world with the new congress and POTUS?
“I kinda doubt things will change much at all, if alliances do change it'll take a long time to happen. I don't think anything particularly exciting is on the way but I still plan to send massive amounts of PMs to Haliman every day asking for ridiculous wars and absurd requests for personal funding. Maybe panam will turn into something, at least it's not eastern-european-centric.”



Proposed by Haliman, Do you agree on the text used by the president to welcome new Citizens in your country? Day 1,145. Outcome: Rejected 13-39

Proposed by Haliman, President of USA proposed a mutual protection pact with Croatia. Proposed on Day 1,145. Outcome: Yes 51-1

Proposed by Iasov, Do you agree to transfer 1690 AUD from the country accounts to Congressional Budget Office? Day 1,145. Outcome: Accepted 45-3.

Proposed by Haliman, Do you agree on the text used by the president to welcome new Citizens in your country?' (Link: Outcome: Yes, 48-2

Proposed by Paul Floris, President of Italy proposed a mutual protection pact with USA. Proposed on Day 1,146. Outcome: Yes 50-4

Proposed by Mr. A. Smith, Minimum wage change from 0.8 USD to 4 USD. Proposed on Day 1,146. Outcome: Accepted 29-24.

Proposed by SweetBags, Do you agree to transfer 65000 USD from the country accounts to Congressional Budget Office? Outcome: Accepted 52-2.

-Director: Chris Hartman
-Editor: Chris Hartman
-Reporter: CaptJustice

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