Padre, Country President!!

Day 2,991, 03:43 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by El Fap Padre
This is propaganda pamphlet for next CP elections with little known details about El Fat Padre and his deeds of courage and honor.
Please stay tuned.

El Fap Padre was last prisoner of II world war in 1974.

EFP was stationed deep in jungle and continue to hunt enemies and remove kebabu 29 years after the war ended. My excuse was: ME DIDN'T KNOW WAR ENDED SO ME CONTINUE DOING ORTODOXY WORKU IN THE JUNGLE, THE MIGHTY JUNGLE PADRE HUNT TONIIIGHT!!!!!!!(MUEHEHEHEHEHE)

At the beginning of the year 1789, hero of this story, ME, was visiting Paris to see not-yet-built Eiffel tower and many other great things that this surrendering cheese eating chicken nation have to offer.

Next what is happened is know as FRENCH REVOLUTION.

Amsterdam, 1642. Rembrandt Van Rijn decided to take a selfie of military groups in at that time very mighty Amsterdam! Not long before that our prophet of God, El Fap Padre decided to go in that town to enjoy in you-know-what.

At this picture that Rembrandt toke you can see our removing kebab hero how teach others to remove kebab in 1001 ways.

But let's go back to the past....
Year 1389 by Christian calendar, by Serbian 6897 year. GREAT VICTORY FOR SERBIAN FAITH, ORTODOXY! OTTOBAN EMPIRE WAS CRUSHED AND REMOVED(for 70 years more from Serbian lands)! Our hero, EL Fat Padre was also there lemoving kebabus and got few wounds.

Fairy find me there and she helped him to heal his battle wounds and give me vine and something more.

II WW, around 1944.
Commies helped by Red Army and stupid Brits was pushed KINGS ARMY in Serbian lands.

In the middle you can see our Hero who in that time was youngest mayor ever and some poets made song for me. It says:

El Fap Padre, young major
Commandant of Black Montains,
Black Montains and Raška,
Where red star is cleansed away!
Black Mountains and old Serbia
And all over Serbians lands!
There is not battle or war
Without El Fap Commandant!
There is not battle to fight
Where Padre's soldiers not rush in!

1999, year when demons strikes again against Eden People, Serbs. All NATO ( minus Greeks) + French Legions, Al Qaeda, Albanians any many other muslims attacked Serbian Holy Land..
Once again our hero was wounded badly.

But again Fairy comes to aid with vine, bacon and rakia!

PS, if you know any other situation when Padre might be, please PM me because i'm lack of inspiration.

PS, i hate commies! They kill many of my family during WW II!