Our Unity is Our Strength

Day 476, 09:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party

Dear all,

This week we've been holding our March Conference to discuss wide ranging issues from Defence policy to the ever-present NHS reform. We've move forward a long way, but it's not quite over yet.

What's the point of all this? To work on a set of ideals and values that all our party can unite behind. I spoke to a friend today, who said that he thought the Unity Party was the boring party. Well our forums have been buzzing with activity recently, with new ideas and comments flying all over the place. Out of a lot of discussion I have written up a Unity Party consititution, which is currently being voted upon. Voting has closed on Part 1 of the constitution today, and Part 2 tomorrow at 5pm.

However, there is still voting to be done. We have a manifesto to write. I've put together a lot of ideas, and it isn't necessary to put them together into a final document until the 20th. So that gives all you lovely TUP members ten days to discuss the various policy sections.

Voting Here: http://forums.erepublik.co.uk/viewforum.php?f=186

We've have a great number of new signups on the forums lately, four today alone. This is great news for the party, as a parties strength is measured by its members, and by it's policies. We would encourage all those not currently signed up to the forums to do so.

Simply register HERE: http://forums.erepublik.co.uk/ucp.php?mode=register&sid=738a44c98fecd11dd6edf68d58dcee21

and signup to the TUP by posting a message saying 'I wish to join the TUP' HERE: http://forums.erepublik.co.uk/viewforum.php?f=45

and one of our elves will add you as soon as they login.

So ten more days to have your say. Ten more days to change this party. Ten more days to change this country.

A Unity Party, United.

Iain Keers