Ordo Teutonicus

Day 572, 13:02 Published in Japan Germany by Ordo Teutonicus

Dear Friends,

After the fall of Germany, many of our brothers threw down their swords in despair. They sat down in the black forest and stared northward at their occupied homeland in despair. The knights of the Ordo Teutonicus stood among them, their huge black armoured forms glistening in the fading sunlight. The battle had been won, but the war would go on.

Hours later our men had set up camp, the once proud soldiers consigned to their own small canvas tents now. With the darkness gathering around like a cloak, small fires were lit. From these fires came the sound of gentle laughter and the smell of good cooking. Slowly the laughter became more raucous and drunken, and eventually the men went to bed to sleep off the sorrows of the defeat.

As the sun began to lighten the sky, a gentle drumming came through the pre-dawn mist. The clearing in which the knights had been gathered began to stir as men left their tents and gathered their arms. Knights began to ready their horses. Simato emerged from the command tent, hand raised, calling his men to battle. But as battle lines formed, the men began to realise the drumming, growing ever louder, was coming from the South.

"They've flanked us," men cried. "We'll be attacked from both sides, the last hope of Germany destroyed!"

Then, from the dark embrace of the forest, men marched forth. Rugged Hungarians, eyes blazing with blood lust. Well-kept Italian soldiers, gladius' by their side. Tall silver-armoured Theocrats, their tunics dusty with age and emblazoned with the crescent of Dio, aged warriors from an older, simpler time.

The first rank washed past the shocked German soldier like a breaker on the sand. Then the second rank, the third, the fourth. A seemingly endless procession of soldiers, tall blue standards bearing the olive branch and globe banners of PEACE amongst them. Dio Akira, eyes blazing. GladDOS, his laughter ringing through the valley. The Germans stood, stunned at the sight of so many former enemies now marching to their aid.

"Come on lads," roared a Hungarian Field Marshall in broken German. "We will be in Berlin before you at this rate!"

With this reminder, the Ordo Teutonicus pulled themselves onto horseback, and the Bundeswehr once again lifted their weary arms for battle. Once more they'd fight for German freedom. Once more they would drive Swedish raiders from their beautiful land. Once more they would plant a flag of freedom in Berlin, a united Germany once more.

The Order marched to reclaim its strongholds.

Remember that the work of the Order is not done by money but by men! The strength of your arms and your conviction make victory possible.

Join the Order today. Free our lands of oppression and help nations in need.

Skill 5+ in land or manufacturing preferred!

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