Ordo Teutonicus - The rise of the Teutonic Order

Day 562, 06:17 Published in Canada Germany by Ordo Teutonicus

Dear Friends,

Last Saturday, German troops streamed Westwards as they were finally pushed back by the Polish onslaught. Outnumbered and out-gunned, they were forced to retreat to another line of defence. However, there are not many more places to go.

The German people have suffered many hardships over the last year. Occupied more than once, under constant threat of invasion. As ever, the goal has been to survive. Now, with our country once again facing occupation by malign foreign powers, Germany needs every one of its children to take up arms and say NO! No, we will not be occupied! No, we will not be your puppet state! No, we will not work in your companies or buy your goods!

The time has come to stand up to those who would suppress us! Our army is strong, but we must grow in number as well as strength if we are to fulfil our dream of a strong, unified Germany. A Germany that can fly its flag in every State of the nation without fear of enemy invasion! A Germany that can enter an alliance not just as an equal player, but as a leader!

The Teutonic Order needs you, both eGermans and our allies, to join us. Join so that we can make this dream a reality. To create a fighting force the match of any of our European neighbours. To gain experience, to fight and one day to return and drive out the invaders on our soil! We shall take back Bavaria, we shall take back Schleswig-Holstein, we will take back all of our regions and the walls we raise on our borders shall be so high no state will ever think of invading again!

Join The Order! Fight our enemies by our side!

They shall feel our wrath!