Order of the Day: UK Natural Enemy

Day 1,164, 15:29 Published in Canada Canada by Ministry of Education Canada
E-Canada Day 1164 of the New world

Today the United Kingdom proposes Norway as a natural Enemy!

This brings up a couple of questions:

1. What is a Natural Enemy/What does it do?

2. What does this mean for us?

What is a Natural Enemy?

Natural Enemy is a feature that was brought to Erepublik recently, basically if you propose another country as a Natural Enemy and it passes all Citizens from that Country to 10% more damage in Wars against the Natural Enemy; furthermore, if a Country has a Natural Enemy at all that country's Citizens gain a 10% bonus to all training gains.

Whats the Catch? The Catch is that while Natural Enemy is Active there can be no armistice, a battle must be declared and if a Battle is not declared in a set time a random attackable region will be selected and a War started.

Basically it doesn't end unless one side defeats the other, or Congress votes to have it repealed (Second option only available once 7 days have passed from the original acceptance -> meaning you are at war minimum one week)

Further Reading on Natural Enemies

What does this mean for us?

As a retaliatory measure all Eden Nations able to do so have declared UK as a natural enemy as a show of force and solidarity.

Natural Enemy Vote

If the vote passes we will go to War and Citizens will enjoy a 10% training bonus. Thus, we ask all e-Canadians to be ready!

If there are any questions or concerns please feel free to direct them to the Ministry of Education Canada Org.

Be Well!

Your MOC