Order of the Day: Gold Returned!

Day 1,169, 05:27 Published in Canada Canada by Ministry of Education Canada

Great News Everyone!

As most of you know, there was a massive theft of eCanada's cash reserves during the brief Wes Lewis administration prior to his prompt impeachment. As such the Presidency fell to aeriala our masculine President who has had to deal with a month of nigh bankrupt government coffers and recent changes to game mechanics. While this has eroded the traditionally high value of our currency the government's coffers continue to recover.

However in the last 24 hours a very large portion of the money stolen from eCanada has been recovered in a rather unusual way. Rylde, the Party President of the Military Dictatorship Party received 1,000 gold, ostensibly as a bribe by Presidential hopeful Octavian F. Rylde in the forthright manner for which he is so famous immediately made the donation public, along with his desire to return this vast sum of gold to the eCanadian government.

As such Rylde has been asked to transfer the money to the temporary stewardship of the Canadian National Defense organization. One of the only organizations belonging to the eCanadian government to have never succumbed to Presidential thievery. There the money will be held temporarily until our current series of training battles with the eUK are concluded. Donating gold to the national treasury at this time could see portions of that vast sum handed over to the eUK due to game mechanics as territory is traded.

As you might imagine such a large pile of gold will allow the government to easily meet it's treaty obligations renewing our mutual protection pacts keeping us strongly allied with our many international friends. A portion of the gold will also speed the government's economic recovery timetable.

As such, I would like to thank Rylde personally, and the MDP party as a whole for demonstrating that the high ideals and strong dedication to our eCanadian community remains strong in the face of recent setbacks.

Finally in conclusion I have also asked CSIS our investigative branch to look into the Octavian F connection, in the hopes that it will lead back to more of our stolen funds.

Contributed by: Goran Thrax