One year on the US forums

Day 841, 07:01 Published in USA Belgium by shadowukcs
My one year Anniversary on the US forums

Today, the 10 of March is my official 1 year anniversary on the US forums. I thought I’d write something about that and thank a few people I have met throughout the past year.

I still remember very lively what brought me to this forum exactly one year ago. It was a few weeks before I was going to become ATLANTIS SG and I was getting ready for the job. Meiko (SG at that time) had informed me about the struggles and tensions that where going on in ATLANTIS due to the fine eUSA had to pay. This fine of 300G that was to be paid to each ATLANTIS country because eUSA had not warned its allies 24hours in advance of their attack on Mexico (operation Taco Bell). The US population was furious, the majority wanted to leave ATLANTIS and everyone seemed to blame the organization and eUK (the country I lived in at that time and brought this rule in the charter up). For me this seemed strange because after all, eUSA knew the rules. The ATLANTIS charter was something public.

Since eUSA was really on the verge of leaving and the last thing I wanted was to start my term as SG with a key nation leaving the alliance, I decided to go do some PR. I joined up on their forum expecting to find the typical image every European has of the standard American; being a fat, warmongering, baseball cap wearing, flag-waving, idiot-redneck (you voted in Bush … twice!) who sings “god bless America” every 5 minutes and can’t even find his own nation on the world map (Blame Hollywood and Bush for that reputation) …

Boy, was I surprised at what I saw when I joined up. What I saw where one of the nicest, friendliest and most intelligent communities I have met in this game. There where no idiots on this forum (ajay joined up later), there were no warmongers,… these where all such warm and friendly people, most far more intelligent then myself. I was so used to all the spam in eUK’s BBH boards and all the trollers on it, that I was actually surprised by all the intelligent discussions they had on the US boards. After only a few hours on their forum I realized that it was I, who was the idiot for having such a biased and completely wrong image of the standard American.

I asked scrabman (admin of the US board) to make me a separate section for ATLANTIS PR, which he immediately did and I started explaining to this community that it was their president at the time who had made the mistake. That the rules where there to be followed and after a few days of discussing I got the big majority with me and got them to understand the situation. I then pleaded with the other ATLANTIS nations to drop the fine, which they all did and eventually the relations between ATLANTIS and eUSA became better than before.

Even after the fall of ATLANTIS I decided to hang around on this interesting forum and when eUK betrayed their allies, I finally took the big step of moving over there and joining USMC. A decision I have never regretted since.

And so we've come to today. Exactly one year after I joined up and got to mean this nice community. It seemed like the perfect moment for me to thank all USA-forum member for all the fun times we’ve had in the past, the fact that they could read past my crappy English (full of spelling and grammar errors, which this text is no doubt full off) and the warm welcome the community gave me. I want to thank a few people in particular and yes, I will no doubt forget a few. Sorry in advance for that.

Justinious: the first eAmerican with whom I’ve had long talks. I remember his dedication in AIS, his input and activity. I’ve told you before, but from all the presidents I’ve worked with in ATLANTIS, you and scrab where the best.

Leroy Combs: my AIS partner-in-crimes. I could have never ran AIS so successfully if it weren’t for you.

Scrabman: Along with Justin one of my all time favorite presidents. Never seen a more organized, prepared and helpful person in this game. We worked together for a long time in ATLANTIS and it was always fun working with you. It’s sad he left the US community for Canada.

Harrison Richardson: fuck I hated you in the beginning when we first met. You where such a irritating brad in the Fortis negotiations and when I found out you are Franco/teacher/TGM, I was actually amazed and found you an even bigger douche…. But then, throughout my time here on the eUSA forum and reading your posts I found out you where actually a very intelligent and alright guy. You just have a gift of being able to seriously irritate ppl xD

Jasonalwaysready: Currently Famous eBelgian congressman. Always discussing, always arguing with ppl on the Belgian forums. You keep me amused and humored every time I visit that forum. It’s always a pleasure reading your posts.

Emerick: *sigh* what’s there to tell about Em… except for the fact that he managed to get a nearly divine status in eUSA, that he IS Kosovo AND Serbia at the same time, that he pushed 5 of the biggest PEACE nations out of eUSA by “cool story, bro”-ing them, that there are so much stories and urban legends hanging around him that it becomes hard to know which ones are true and which ones are false, that people refer to America as “Emericka”… Other than that, not much. 😃 … oh yea: he’s also the definition of e-awesomeness.

Rod Damon: Aha!! My other partner-in-crimes. eBelgian congressman and a guy with extraordinary organization skills and simply gifted with an eye for multi-cheaters. A man that has probably caught more multi’s then all game admins combined. One bad-ass e-cop if you ask me.

Necrosis/GF: Do you know the film Borat? Well, this guy is like Borat’s neighbor. He follows me everywhere. I join up on the UKCS forums (counter strike gaming community), a little while later: he joins up on the UKCS forums. I join up on e-republik, a few hours later: HE joins up on e-republik. I join up on the eUK forums, after a little while HE joins up on the eUK forums. I move to eUSA, a few weeks later, HE moves to eUSA…. I’m telling you, this guy is my fricking personal stalker. xD I think he has a crush on me or something. Fortunately he’s also one of the most fucked-up AND one of the most awesome people I have met on my entire career on the internet, so I’m ok with him following me around everywhere. xD

John bluejacket: We had some brief contacts via PM and you told me allot about US military. O7 veteran!

Jeepamerica &choc: I don’t know why but I always mix you two up. Are you guys sure you aren’t twins? You both are two very entertaining and amusing ppl. 2 pillars of the US community if you ask me.

Eugene Harlot: The man that was born with a boot with a label on it that said “use me to kick eIndonesian/Russian butt”. You cannot mentioning “US military” without mentioning “Eugene Harlot” in the same sentence. A penguin bowling e-legend!

Gassie: lol you crazy Dutchie 😛 Everyone knows Belgium > Netherlands

Lucius Varenus: uber tank and USMC “forum logistics”-officer. Apart from the fact that he’s a little paranoia by making us change our password every 5 minutes (I still can’t access the forum, dammit!), he’s also one of the friendliest and warmest ppl in the entire military. O7

Suko&all other marines: to all the buddies in USMC, the other divisions and to the commanders in special: a gigantic o7 for all great victories and wars

Alee ann: Are you really human? Great Admin, I simply love the pics you post when you ban someone.

St. Krems: Almost as fucked up as GF, but in a less fucked up way. Don’t give in to the UK tea!! They drug you with hair from Woldy’s moustache

Publius: We haven’t really had much talks, but from your posts on the forum, our chats in USMC and your avatar, you’ve always seemed like one bad-ass motherfucker to me.

The penguins used for bowling: Hang on there fella’s, I’ve contacted the ALF (animal liberation front) and they said they will torch the house of whoever’s running the forums (*looks at scrab😉

There are many more that belong in this list. But I’m getting tired so I’ll just write one universal thank you to all you peeps on the US forums. No, This is not a "I'm leaving"-article. This is just a universal "thanks fella's" article.

And now a totally unrelated picture of Meghan waking up one morning after, what seemed to be a heavy binge-drinking party.



PS: vote and sub