One Year and I still haven't stopped talking

Day 740, 02:41 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter
"A wise man speaks because he has something to say,
A fool speaks because he has to say something"

(My first avatar)

So here I am. My first eBirthday and look at me. I reckon I’ve done fairly well over the year, I’ve met some great people (and some not so great people) and I’m fairly proud of my eCharacter as a whole. I’ve got a fairly successful newspaper and I’ve had both a good political career and a military one.

Right, I’d like to say a few things to some people.

Mr.Woldy: Well played. You were a great leader and one of my firm friends. You are hilariously funny and take the game a lot less seriously than other presidents in the past. Good times are ahead.

Iain Keers: You’re stuck up and think you’re better than everyone else. Having said that, you are actually right most of the time, we had good times in Camelot and in Yorkshire congress all those months ago. (Don’t take this to your head)

Malta_1990: You deserve a country mate, and when Malta is finally created I’m sure lots of people will move over there to help you out.

Jan Baykara: Your graphics are just too awesome. You’re pretty cool too 😎

Aelar: The only right wing guy that’s ever nice to me :/ I can see you high up in government one day.

Hassan: You’re a pretty cool dude. Just thought I’d mention you, you were a good president too 😃

Dishmcds: You were PM when I first joined (I think) anyway, I’d like to thank you for your advice and for helping me get my first top 5 article (the one about you quitting the top job got me over 200 votes and was my first real media presence)

Funky44: You gave me 2g to start my newspaper. I’ll pay it back if you want 😃 thanks mate.

Mortalbeta: Our UKRP/PCP flame wars were fun 😉

Bob Boblo: You sir, are a comedy genius.

MDU: Oexis, CV James, thehorseltd, robalbinio, Patrick Reckitt, Richard york and of course Tommy Tomassino ( and the rest of the gang!) most of these guys don’t play any more but I had some of the best times of my eLife in that party. We stuck together and were a great big group of friends working for the good of the country. Shame it broke up, I still remember the 1 day HoL boycott 😛

Paras: My extended family, the community is great and the weapons aren’t half bad, despite what people say. Co-ordinated strikes are great fun and hard work, but definitely worth it.

RFA: We’ve got potential, let’s use it and move forward!

UK-Left: Let me run for CP.

UK-Right: Get rid of Winston. He’s hurting your chances.

GF: Stop being negative and stop moaning.

Sara Droz: Thanks for getting me into Gifting. You don’t deserve all the insults and flak you get, not your fault you inherited an awful situation.

Goku: See a Doctor mate.

And many more of the friends I’ve met along the way, thanks for a great year 😃

Now to look back at some events:
French Toast: The war against the French! This drew me into the game initially and provided me with joy (even with the stupid trivia questions giving you 60 damage for one fight) I fought at 5 dmg a pop down to 30 wellness on the 23rd December to get enough EP to run for congress. 😃

Joining the MDU: This time of my eLife was really fun. We worked together and there was a great community atmosphere. Shame it fell apart and most of the guys don’t play anymore 🙁

India: These were lulz times. The problem with India is that it’s not exciting. I tried to create a multi party state but it failed, as did my attempt to force an NHS onto the country. Although I think they’ll thank me for bringing with me David Forde, who turned out to be rich irl and is now India’s saviour.

Philippines: I remember moving over with the rest of the crew to help start the country up. My fake PTO attempt was funny (I hope you got the joke) I might pop over in a few months, and what is it with your presidents requesting account deletion?

Romania-Indonesia War: Back when we were in ATLANTIS, I remember fighting with the paras against “the evil monster” that was Indonesia. It’s funny how things turn out.

The Rise of TUP: I remember when it was just a tiny little party with no ambition. Malta_1990 used to run every month for PP and get beaten by Squiddy 😃 You’ve got Iain Keers to thank for your success.

The Collapse of ATLANTIS: Americans, get over yourselves. Half your trolls weren’t even around at the time and you’ve just fed them a load of nonsense to troll us with. Joining PEACE was the best thing for us to do at the time, also considering the Americans treating us like dirt.
The Invasion of America: Lulz. Especially the way Canada thrashed us and took back their regions.

I’m sure there’s loads I’ve missed (I started writing an epic history and got bored)
But I’d like to thank people for a good year (not that it’s all been good, I’ve made some enemies along the way and there have been some low points) I’ve spent far too much time on this game but I can’t really change anything now.

See you next year,

My second avatar, it may surprise lots of you to know that back in the day I was a capitalist (I wanted to make money and I joined the biggest party which was at the time UKRP)