ONE pathetic alliance... FYROM fail...

Day 1,428, 08:49 Published in Greece Greece by Thanasis Klaras

In the beginning, some countries left EDEN. Spain and Poland decided that from now on they like the Serbs and not the Cromanians.

FYROM entered the game. FYROM and other countries of ONE designed and used numerous cheating ways: Clones, Bots, Scripts etc

In the ONE’s headquarters they were celebrating for their victories.

And were also very happy that their script - bot was working fine!

Soon their cheats came up to light. In order to keep their new regions they had to become stronger. So they initiated a tough training project:

Typical ONE’s training in order to increase their strength:

EXCLUSIVE! Typical ONE’s soldier training (interview):

Typical ONE’s swimming training:

Typical ONES’s boxing training:

Typical ONE’s Karate training:

Typical ONE’s military tactics training:

Typical ONE’s training in guns:

EXCLUSIVE! Typical ONE’s soldier trained in guns:

Typical ONE's training in military operations:


You are such a FAIL! You are losing in Greece. You are losing in Bulgaria…

So get out of our regions and end this pathetic alliance…

Until then, there is a very important battle today. GREECE and EDEN are fighting for MACEDONIA.

FYROM, if you want MACEDONIA, come and get it. We are waiting for you...

ONE... The most successful alliance in eRepublik...

...Hmmmm, NOT!
