One man military coup

Day 701, 12:40 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Nagyzee

I have big news for all of you. We barely have any military yet, but it has already started to grow on all our heads. Our overambitious deputy Minister of Defence has detached himself from the government effectively claiming that the military is a separate entity over which neither the government nor the congress has jurisdiction.

To put it shortly Ryan Southcombe really wanted to have a weapon company for the military. But it seems that the government did not. This is a pro-free market government after all that tries to keep its interference in business rather minimal. Apparently the deputy MoD can overturn the wishes of the government as a whole, bypass the president and the congress and can start operating a state owned company by his own will without consulting anyone. It doesn't really matter that the gold for the company came from a donation. Or if I pay the government to work in a given way then it should do so just because I paid? But starting up a state owned company at his own discretion which is clearly out of his authority is not the worst part.

Quotes are from a comment under CDV's article:
i was made deputy mod for a reason. and the reason was pretty clear why. this is a military company not a government one and so far have receive no congress, government or country donation for this. so it's clearly not in the hands of anybody but the military.

As I said our military (or at least it's deputy leader wishes so) has apparently become independent not being under the government's and congress' jurisdiction any more. There is now separate military property which doesn't belong to the government and state. And if I got it right the government can't stop the military from running companies any more. If Ryan decides so and gets the funds for that from somewhere he can create as many companies for the military as he wishes.

oh and congress you don't want to work for it fine. don't work for it. but as being in the military this WILL be a secondary duty so if you are asked to work at the company you will.

And yes, the deputy MoD can now order military members to work for that military company. It doesn't matter that the government hasn't announced any such projects and set any such obligations for soldiers, let alone congress discussing anything along these lines, the deputy MoD can decide on this one, too. Alone.

This is probably the worst case of one stepping over his authority, showing zero respect to both the president and the congress I have seen in the country. And I really hope that this won't become the norm because this is a sure way to anarchy. Hey, I am the Minister of Finance and I have access to 2000 gold. Can I do with it whatever I want?
