One Foot in Front of the Other ...

Day 1,051, 07:17 Published in South Africa South Africa by Crimson Boma

Waking to realize that the invaders have retained the presidency another month may seem like a setback. I'd like to take a moment to consider what we gained ...

We continue to stand together. Events such as CP elections gone awry only strengthen our bond and resolve. With infighting and plots undermining so many governments around the eGlobe, we continue to stand together.

Our numbers are growing. There is new international interest in our situation and heroes from allied countries are making the decision to come to South Africa and stand with us. We're fortunate to have great friends and allies with whom we'll make great strides toward our freedom.

We created a country that was so desirable it tempted the unscrupulous in the game to leave the ghettos they created in their own countries, dazzled by the sparkling facets of South African life. Though their dishonesty may seem to have tarnished our country, we know that the light is still there, awaiting its opportunity to shine again. We can be proud of the work that went into creating such a tempting place to be and use that pride in who we really are to strengthen our resolve to gain victory.

Stand strong, South Africa. The fight has just begun.