On the new dictatorship

Day 2,728, 16:06 Published in Australia Canada by Ilene Dover

Morning folks! Henry is a little too drunk and/or hung-over after getting his hands on everyone's booze stash yesterday (who would've thought Executive Order 001-A would be to empty the bar fridge??), so you'll have to put up with me.

I know there are a bunch of questions a lot of people have. This is my best effort to anticipate them and answer them. If I miss the mark, please ask away in the comments. I'll be loitering around, like always.

Why do this now?

The short answer (without too many specifics) is, because there were foreigners that nobody in the Senate knew well attempting to enter the country. Our intelligence (yes, we do talk to friends around the world) suggested a clear attempt to enter the country (gain citizenship) to start a military unit. Ultimately that would give us a dictatorship too, but not a friendly one.

Who paid for it?

The country's savings. Unfortunately only Rusty has enough spare money to tilt at windmills like this (though I'm taking donations!)... We still have plenty of reserves, don't worry.

What happens to the government now?

The Senate (Congress) still get voted in every month. They don't get any gold for it, though they still get the medal. There's nothing for them to do, except be ready to vote in case of a Revolution. And voice their opinions loudly!

The Country President, as elected from month to month, will be the new Dictator.

That means the President will have to move to Henry's current military unit (The Free Australian Army) and take over the Commander's chair. Mongoosier, our current Minister of Finance, is acting as the unit's 2ic for the time being.


If you're too shy, PM me. I might post your question here (anonymously) because if you're thinking something, chances are somebody else will be too.