Day 899, 14:57 Published in Israel Israel by Gavin Wax

OMGIZORES I WON THE LEGENDARY TREASURES OF ALL TREASURES. 47 GOLD. The funniest thing Is Ive been against these treasure maps for awhile and I was reading the status updates of people complaining of getting only 4.75 gold or something then I do it and it shoots up to a little shy of 50. This is unbelievable. Now I just need to know where to invest it in. I want to save up for a company I guess. Ether way its awesome. Everyone can suck it cause im the mother fucking King. Im the king of the fucking Castle. Bring out the bitchez and champagne.

Im still in shock. When I saw it first go into the two digits it was cool but never thought it go almost to 50 gold.

And this happens to the guy who writes and article bashing treasure maps and comparing them to Gay Pirates.

And I didnt mean to be too cocky guys but cmon lol. 47 gold for Moshes sake. I got the treasure map by reaching level 16 fyi.