OI!Recruitment and an update on the Paratroopers[Edited-Response to Mr. Banko]

Day 479, 05:42 Published in South Africa Romania by ZironiaInc

So there are going to be two separate parts to this article(which I hope won't be as long as I feel it will).
First I'll be giving all our paratroopers an update on the current situation.I'll pat their backs say what a wonderful job they've been doing(which is true by the way) and basically do a bit of asskissing.


The last week or so has seen one of the most serious efforts done by the South African military in recent months.We've managed to fight in about 4-5 battles and do significant damage(considering the rank and eRep age of most recruits).Most of the greenhorns are now battle-hardened soldiers,that can hold their own in any battle.The logistics department was up to the challenge and provided for anyone who asked.
Basically the two ops we have participated in have been fruitful,with privates moving up in ranks,medics proving their use in battle,and officers(platoon commanders) coordinating close to perfect('cept for one who wasn't aware he was platoon commander-you know who you are).
We had our share of laughs and no serious arguments happened.We've been efficient in our deployments and in our fights.
Overall,the past week has been,as far as I can see a complete success.

Now,for the order of business of today.Brendan E Austerion has left for a week and we have agreed that during his leave,no operations are to be held.Which is to say,we won't be giving out orders about combat.You will however receive the full support of the Paratroopers should you decide to fight independently.For further details contact your platoon commander or Field Commander Michael Hanson or even me if the latter are not online.

More stories from the front-line will be coming soon.And yes Jizzie,you'll be getting your Tzuica soon(you think I hijacked that Hungarian lorry just for the fun of it?)


Moving on to more serious matters now.
As much as I'd like to say that we've been doing wonderfully on all fronts(not war fronts) I'm afraid this wouldn't be entirely true.This week has stretched our budget so hard that it seems bigger,but not in the good way🙂.This has pointed out one of the more serious problems with not having any medium or high Iron regions(which means that 80-90% of our weapons are obtained through contracts with "outside" companies).This problem could be easily remedied by starting a state-run company in a high Iron region which will be able to provide the local manufacturers with the much needed raw materials for constant prices.Unfortunately,there is a tiny point in our Constitution that says that the RBSA cannot fund international companies,not even state-run ones.
I have however come up with a solution for this.I along with Ali Mentary and Euronymouss,as private entrepreneurs have acquired an Iron Company in the East Siberia Region which will be used to support any military efforts that the Army of South Africa may engage in.
We,the owners,have almost everything worked out,except perhaps one little thing.The workforce for this company.There are steps being made towards solving this issue,I have posted job offers for low-skill workers in order to boost the employee number as close to max productivity as possible,but low-skill alone won't cut it.So I need you!
Yes you!The one reading this feeling sick of working in a diamond mine.Don't you think it's time for a change of setting,a change of climate?
Yeah yeah!I know,I know, it's pretty damn cold in Siberia,buuut there's a catch to it.We have...*drumroll* VODKA!! the best heating installation both for the heart and the soul.Also,there are lots of nice,blond,blue-eyed women looking for tanned macho men.So it's a win-win situation.Just think about it!
After a few hours spent in Popeye's Mine,you'll be relaxing in a cozy cabin,near a warm crackling fire,with a barrel of vodka to your left side and a gorgeous woman to the right.What more can you ask for??

I know I promised the second part would be serious,but hey, I couldn't help myself seeing the rivers of vodka running and the tipsy blond women running around.Can you?
For a more detailed(and serious) description of the contract please contact ZironiaInc through a PM.

3.An answer to Mr. Banko

The Paratrooper unit is in no way violating the constitution,as you can plainly see,there has been no aggression or peaceful talking to any of the two alliances(Atlantis or PEACE).The Government of eSouth Africa requires us to train our soldiers however.We must fight in some conflicts,lest when the time comes that we all have to pick up our guns, we'll all be privates.
The side the Paratroopers fight for is pretty much random.A world-wide conflict is chosen and several soldiers deploy there in order to train.It makes no difference which side they fight for,as long as they gain the max number of fights.
If the unit is dragged into anymore political conflicts of this nature,I will resign my post as Field Commander.I refuse to serve a country that will then judge me for offering soldiers proper training.