Oh Really?!

Day 1,526, 18:11 Published in USA USA by Saphire109

Myths of Erepublik

eUS is the happiest place on Erep
Oh Really?!

People do not like to gossip
Oh Really?!

Our economy is not controlled
Oh Really?!

People do not play erep on cell phones
Oh Really?!

People do not find the game monotonous after 1 month
Oh Really?!

Every friend I invite to play does not leave the game after a month
Oh Really?!

In eRep, everybody's super free, rich and prosperous
Oh Really?!

Erep's graphics are what attracts people the most
Oh Really?!

Erep's population keeps growing because of it's online advertising
Oh Really?!

Nobody EVER makes more than one character...
Oh Really?!

When playing eRep you are fascinated by how intricate it is
Oh Really?!

Sometimes the amazing text makes me think I'm in Mars
Oh Really?!

Feel more than free to add your own erep myths below by commenting!!