Oh Hia eSingapore

Day 861, 05:44 Published in Singapore USA by logan Dunleavy
Why hello there eSingapore.

Just two days ago I landed at the eSingapore international airport after making a quick stop in Florida to grab some stuff to bring here. From the moment I got off the plane I was impressed with how nice and clean the country, well airport looked. I was greeted as I left the terminal and headed over to the citizenship office to apply.

After that I waited in my hotel room for about a day when at night I went to one of the nations famous night clubs. As I entered I saw some faces I was familiar with, people like John, and Amun who were already siting at the bar. I sat down and had a few drinks. Not long after I sat down a woman entered the club this was a new friend. I had met her in the airport the day I arrived and we had talked. She then took a seat next to me and asked me over 9000 questions about myself, she pulled up things I didn't even think anyone in this country knew about. She then said that it was all for 'special cases'. It turns out she worked for the governm...err the man. After spending the night at the club I returned to my hotel room to go to sleep. After waking up I noticed that a letter had been slipped under my door. I opened it and the text read
"Congratulations, your citizenship application in Singapore has been accepted! You now have the right to vote, join a political party and run in elections."

I made a happy face 😃. Thank you eSingapore!