Officialy eAmbassador in eBrasil

Day 1,616, 16:04 Published in Albania Albania by RadeciVV
English Version

Hello dear all eBrasil Citizens.

I am here to officaly open eAlbania-n embassy on your country and I am very glad to have this opportunity. I hope we will have a great time together, and I also hope that this embassy will strengthen our relations and so on.

As most of you know, eAlbania is the newest country in eRepublik, so making relations strong with our allies is a key point, because we are surrounded by some of the most strong countries in eRepublik.

As a first step I am going to represent our current goverment.

President: Napoleon 54
Vice President & Minister of Internal Affairs: KRIMIKO
Minister of Defense: Kris Hasa
Vice/Minister of Defense: Kleantjo Isufi
Vice/Minister of Defense: Albanianboy21
Minister of Economy: Visar Jasiqi
Vice/Minister of Economy: eBiord
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Roger Griswald
Minister of Education: Alban Mustafa
Vice/Minister of Education: CPIRRA

Here are also some of most important newspapers in eAl
My newspaper
Albanian Voice
Official eAlbania News

Regards, DardanH

Versioni ne Shqip
Sot u caktova zyrtarisht si ambasador i Shqipërise ne Brasil.
Jam shume i kënaqur me punën e re dhe falenderoj ministrin që më caktoi në këtë punë. Shpresoj që do ndihmoj në forcimin e marrdhënieve midis 2 shteteve.

Faleminderit, DardanH.