Official UZP Statement

Day 939, 20:47 Published in Israel Israel by Gavin Wax

We thank Aeroner for his official Apology. It shows hes a good guy.

Still at the same time we continue to make our point clear that UZP never started this and was defending itself against the attacks coming from Consolidation on IRC and Articles. Which Aeroner has labeled as simply "harmless trolling."

We hope with this apology you will quiet down with your remarks about the UZP and bringing up our "Faults" as you call them. We have never made any public attacks against consolidation until provoked.

We have NEVER said we dont respect Consolidation and its history in this nation but we expect the same Respect in return which we have not received

We hope to maintain good working relationships with The Consolidation and other parties in eIsrael and we want to maintain cordial relations on both sides.

On that note Aeroner also please mark MY Words that we The United Zionist Party will not tolerate any Insults and from Consolidation again. We have shown we will defend ourselves when attacked and not let these kind of things slide by.

I wish Consolidation best of luck.

Am Yisrael Chai

Truly yours,