Official Statement of Turkiye on peace with Israel

Day 900, 14:34 Published in Israel United Kingdom by burakkocamis

Dear Israeli congress,

I am officially Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkiye since November 2009.Since i began to play eRepublik,i had been writing so much thing about the relationship between Israel and Turkiye.I was always sided by the peace.My idea still hasn’t changed.

This time,the situation is different.I am not going to talk about history.We had lived so many things in past.I am just going to talk about present.

The war ,which is going on arround both of us, is between Greece and Turkiye.Israel doesn’t have to participate into this war.Turkiye doesn’t have any goal on Israel.Israel doesn’t have any goal on Turkiye.Greece’s goal on Israel might only be a “blocking”.Nothing else but it has been enough to get advantage in last months.They had been forcing you to do this.

We are all going to V2 in short time (maybe this month).For future of Israel and Turkiye both,this war is useless and dangerous.Israel doesn’t need a war like this.We understand that you have allies but we want you to see something that you were used by them to betray us in past.I wouldn’t like to see the same scene again.I would like to see a strong and safe Israel as a neutral country in Greece-Turkiye war.Our doors were always openned for peace.They are still openned to deal on an agreement.Of course,if you wish…

If you are thinking for your country,peace treaty would be the greatest chance for you.

Now,you have this initiative.We will propose a peace treaty according to your feedbacks on statement unless you make an offensive action in next 24 hours.We will request our congress to vote for YES.

You have 48 hours to decide for future of Israel.You have 2 simple chances.1st one is that we all would have the peace and you will be safe.Also,we would have better relations.I hope,all will go better.

The 2nd chance is that you would reject our peace hand…It would be the worst mistake in Israeli history after your Mutual Protection Pact with Greece on October.Our doors will remain to be openned for peace but i want you to know this that we won’t be afraid of taking further actions to provide our self-safety.

It is not our subject here but I’m seeing something for future of the New World.Peace will be a good choice for all in future.Maybe,the New World will be extremely different in a few months.

If you have any other questions,please let me know.I will be pleased to reply your question messages.

“Peace at home,peace in the world.” – Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkiye , burakkocamis