Official Message from Turkiye about peace treaty with Israel

Day 902, 08:13 Published in Israel United Kingdom by burakkocamis

Dear Israeli congress,

A new explanation has been needed after some feedbacks of our last statement.You have some worries.I understand your feelings about your country but i must make you sure that we never threatenned you with PoliticalTakeOver,war or something else.

We are not going to attack you,if you don’t accept our peace hand but it might be our last offer for you.I really want to do good things for future of Israel.If you don’t get this chance,we will continue to be enemy.It wouldn’t help both of us.Furthermore,if your allies force you to invade us and if you do that,we may have to provide our self-safety against you ,unfortunately.We are not going to be offensive unless you react agressively.

Israel has its own freedom.You can take your decisions according to your own initiative;you should.Your allies may want you not to do this peace.Because,they might want to USE you to defeat us.You have to think for your own freedom and safety.We can take this decision by ourselves.You must be able to take your decisions by yourselves as well.If a subject is about your OWN FREEDOM and SAFETY,you don’t have to care about your UNofficial allies.

This peace treaty DOES NOT have ANY condition.We just want to sign this peace treaty and close this war.We don’t want an enemy Israel anymore (Actually,i’ve been working for this for months…).You can’t wait a betrayal from me.I was the first person who supported Israeli freedom when there was whole Turkish occupation.

To sum up,
1.No threat.Never!We know how to do diplomacy.Turkish PTO theory is a rubbish.
2.No offensive action from both side.
3.It is between only Turkiye and Israel.Israel must be able to take this decision by herself.
4.Israeli congress have to think for future,freedom and safety of Israel.
5.We hope better relations with Israel after peace.
6.Treaty doesn’t have ANY condition.

We would like to see you accepting our peace hand.

P.S=Our 7 NO votes were because of a misunderstanding about not existing of an explanation.3 of them are from foreign PTOed congressmen (probably Greek) as we could guess.

Best Regards,