Official Anti-TakeOver Candidates for the September Senate

Day 1,039, 02:42 Published in Australia Australia by Timeoin

Official ATO Candidates for the September Senate.

All of the candidates are running from the More Beer Party on election day.

They are as follows:

Corey Blake
Mottom II
Bowen Eley.

Please vote for one of these candidates as late as possible on election day, to make sure that we get all 6 candidates elected.

If we can, then we have a chance of actually being able to govern our own country, instead of having the Indonesian PTOers running the country

Also - if you are an Australian citizen - KEEP YOUR AUSSIE CITIZENSHIP.

I dont care if you are RL New Zealander or not - KEEP AUSTRALIAN CITIZENSHIP.

We have a VERY good chance to get our country back this month

Dont mess that up by dividing our citizenships between Australia and New Zealand.

Remember - we cant help eNZ if we ourselves dont get our country back!

And Remember - AUSTRALIA WILL PREVAIL!! (and eNZ too, soon)
