Of My Favorite Nation

Day 604, 20:47 Published in Austria Switzerland by Lynari

Hello, Austrians.
I should mention a few things.

Ministry of Finance**
Yesterday, we lost a good Austrian. Finance Minister Robert Knotsworth resigned from his position as Minister, dropped out of the RwR Party race, and moved to Jerusalem, Israel. On his way out, he blamed the Austrian public's general disapproval of Chicco and the AGU as having some role in his departure. I cannot say why he really left with confidence. Though this is sudden and unexpected, we must look forward. I have a replacement in mind, but feel free to message me and propose either yourself or somebody else you think would do well with the role.

These I know we need badly. Unfortunately, the war in North America is delaying them. I've been approached by Lithuanian President Cawx about participating in their Lithuania-Latvia battles, but this arrangement seems to be outside of the official PEACE games. The voting on location as far as PEACE goes seems to be swaying in a direction favorable to us. I'm not sure if it will be possible to begin the games before the war goes on a bit longer; I'm doing my best to orchestrate the countries that, like us, could not be involved in the major war battles and need the training as badly as we do. This area is my primary focus. Please trust me that I'll find the best possible arrangement.

Economic Situation**
Something needs to be done. I'm displeased the the jobs available on the market and with the somewhat unstable ATS. I spoke with Metallon today for an hour about possible solutions. I encourage Congressmen to voice their opinions about taxes and exchange rates on the forums.

Party President of Rot Weiss Rot**
I'd like to thank those of you that voted for me in the party elections. As I mentioned in my announcement of candidature, I wasn't and am still not completely sure if I will be nominating myself for President. This is an area I'd really like to hear your opinion on. Comment on this article, or, if you'd prefer, send me a private message. I really would like to hear what you have to say. My candidature is subject to public opinion.

~L, President