Of America continues attacks

Day 658, 09:02 Published in Hungary Turkey by JohnRobin

According to recent news from USA, Russia's hand in two important areas to receive. Region to receive the help of their allies, are frequently seen.

USA armed forces with its allies to attack once they lost to the land invasions invasions continue. Russia's hand in the state of Colorado and Nebraska to pass into the hands USA'nın. USA allies, without authority of "nothing" that claim. According to them without any USA ally can not attack the country.

Hungary is a heart attack on Peace in Canada. But Canada was unable to access the great powers of Hungary. And that was an ineffective attack.

Peace and other countries is not yet known what measures will take. But as a final plan.

To be continued.

Note: My english is terrible. But the vote, and subscribe, please.

Future Mail President JohnRobin