October Elections

Day 315, 21:06 Published in Turkey USA by PrincessMedyPi

Greetings Fellow eRepublikans!

Today, we at "A Timely Bitch" are here to make some recommendations for the upcoming elections and open a discussion forum to help inform the leaders of this great nation on the tough choices they must make in this upcoming election.

First, there is the issue of congress. As I have written in previous articles (links below), I promise that I will do everything in my power to work together with all parties in eTurkey. We at "A Timely Bitch" are going to endorse Giray Garriscus for congress. I realize that he is a controversial person to endorse because he has a lack of trust and respect amongst the MHC. However, as a respected member of the eRepublik community, I am going to personally attest to Giray's professionalism. He has done nothing behind closed doors that makes me distrust him or doubt his character. I am hoping that this will ease the minds of some of the readers of "A Timely Bitch."

We are also endorsing Ruzgarli, the brightest addition the ABK has seen in a long time. Ruz brings with him the respect of all parties in eTurkey. He is the perfect person to help lead our country. Like Giray, I am supporting the ABK party this election. Not because they are my party, but because I know that our president, Vanjaturk, has put hardworking, active members at the front of the pack. This is not to say that I distrust other parties or do not wish them well this elections season. On the contrary. I have not had the time necessary to look into the goings on of the other parties. But, I am knowledgeable about the ABK, and that is why I am vouching for them. We have worked towards doing our part in creating a congressional group that will work hard towards the betterment of eTurkey. We have the time and the ability to actively pursue change.

Onto the second piece of business: the presidency. In our elections, we will be presented with the party presidents as the candidates for president of eTurkey. This election, our candidates are fixed. I am far more interested in who the eTurkish community would like to see as president in the future. I would love to see a thoughtful discussion about possible candidates that individuals would like to see as party presidents (and possible presidential candidates) in the future. Hopefully, this discussion could be used to inform the party elections later in the month. This idea was inspired by a discussion that began in the comments section of [a url=http://www.erepublik.com/article-682038.html]A Public Thank You to Vanjaturk[/a]. So, please bring your ideas to the floor and keep it classy. This is a place for the expression of ideas, not for the bashing of others' ideas.


Other articles of interest:
[a url=http://www.erepublik.com/article-681858.html]Upcoming Elections and the Rebirth of My Avatar[/a]
[a url=http://www.erepublik.com/article-680517.html]A New Parnership and Upcoming Elections[/a]