October Congress; My Candidacy

Day 700, 15:02 Published in South Africa South Africa by Epic Thoughts

With the support of my party, Independent Alternative, I would like to officially state my intentions of running for congress later this month. While this article may be in regards to my candidacy for congress, the true subject does not lie with me. No, my friends, the true subjects of this article are the people of South Africa.

We live in a time of good men and strong leaders. We have many modern day heroes working tirelessly to provide eSouth Africa with the means to grow, and to prosper. These men, with the backing of our various Party Presidents, and our Country President, Steven Bosch, are triumphing day after day, and their efforts should be protected, assisted, and continued for the immediate future.

Our continued efforts, and the efforts of the eSAAF in SOL and the various wargames we are part of are key to the wellbeing of eSouth Africa. Wargames not only provide for an easy amount of experience, but also directly contribute to wellness, which is pivotal to economical capabilities. War games are a good thing, and they are of key importance to any country which engages in them. War games must be allowed to continued and championed for all the good they do our nation.

As a business owner, I understand the stresses that go into running and managing your own company. I plan on supporting not only business owners in eSouth Africa, but the citizens as well. I will move to see that import taxes, except for those on the raw materials we cannot produce for ourselves, are set at a fair, acceptable rate, while allowing for the advantage to be in the favor of eSouth Africans. This will not only help business owners continue to keep their ventures above water, but it will allow for them to have higher pay rates for their employees.

If I am deemed worthy to be elected to congress, I will insure that the men, Ministries, soldiers and citizens who have taken us this far will continue to receive the tools and means they need to further their work and achieve their goals.

I will continue to uphold the Independent Alternative’s ideal of non-ideology based progression for eSouth Africa. I will not allow personal beliefs to interfere with the expansion and stabilization of our country, and I will not allow those who do to go unchallenged.