Octavian_F: The Failures of Jacobi

Day 670, 12:29 Published in Canada Canada by Gartoro

There is a growing disquiet among the general eCanadian public and ePoliticians alike. The reason behind this discontent? Jacobi's apparent failure to lead this country in such a manner that earns the respect and confidence of the majority of his constituents.
Here, in his own words, is Octavian_F's views on Jacobi and his performance as ePM so far.

What do you think is the underlying reason that a significant amount of eCanadians are dissatisfied with Jacobi's performance as Prime Minister?

A) Well in his four consecutive terms as Prime Minister, Jacobi has undeniably failed in three major areas. Areas that are arguably the single most important areas of concern for our nation. And areas that I would be MY priority if I was ever elected.

First of all we have had major problems with our economy before the war, and we still have problems right now. In his four terms, apart from a failed tax policy, and issuing out CAD, Jacobi has been unable to come up with any real solutions to our problems. Creativity is lacking for him and his government.

Second, he has failed in National defense. Prior to the war, the CAF was (and imo still is), underfunded and poorly organized. Being a member of the CAF for two or so months (member of the 1st "Eagle-Eye" platoon) before entering congress, I had first hand experience with how few orders were issued out (lol the MoD is now doing a better job of issuing out orders than the CAF did when it was fully functional. LOL), and how badly underfunded and supplied we were (supplies ran out very very fast). The CAF ran out of supplies very soon and was basically rendered useless after the first week or so of war. What a total FAIL. Did the US have this problem? Did Croatia have this problem? Did Spain have this problem? Did Romania have this problem? No, only Canada.

Third, after Canada was conquered, the government disappeared into the mist. The government was gone (again I can go on and ask did this also happen in *insert name of Canadian ally nation here*?). Excuse me, but I thought that PEACE can only conquer Canada, not our forums too. And Jacobi was no where to be seen. Apparently his silly excuse is that he was "planning secret things with Eden". So what hes saying is that because he was talking on IRC or other forums with Eden, that single act tool 23/24 hours of his day and rendered him unable to organize anything else. And if that wasn't enough, when the failed government and its leader returned to Canada like two weeks AFTER it was liberated to stop the anarchy they created, they started bitching at the resistance movements, like they did any better. Now excuse me because I may be blind, but I didn't see a Privately-funded, privately-armed William Duncan Resistance Movement, nor a Coda Resistance Movement, or a Basset Resistance Movement, or a Chucky Norris Resistance Movement, or a Jacobi Resistance Movement.

All these people were on vacation or were pretending to "work alongside the Canadian armed forces", which had no dam money. I never really liked Bruck's economic policies too much when he was Prime Minister, but at least that guy knew what NATIONAL DEFENSE and CREATIVE SOLUTIONS meant. He didn't just act cool on how much he talked to Eden. I bet Jacobi sat down with Eden and was like: "well I pretty much abandoned Canada, but sure I'll tell my MoD to tell Canadians to fight in x battle, but they basically have no weapons (apart from whatever THEY buy), and there is no way in hell that I'm going to take an initiative and do something about it. In fact, I'm gonna go back to my country when its gonna get liberated of course instead of resigning, and I'm gonna bitch at those who did take some sort of an initiative and call them "traitors", when in fact they just realized how a failure myself and my government is and that they gotta take matters into their own hands".

Constitutionally, the Prime Minister is not required to consult with members of congress when it comes to international agreements such as NAPs. How does having such decision-making powers affect the democratic climate of eCanada? Would it be wise to alter the consitution in order to give congress the ability to vote down such measures and if we do, would it undermine the influence and power of the ePM?

A) Well I think that the power to sign NAPs by the PM is not such a bad idea. If this power would be given to congress, then basically the PM would simply become just another congress member. Congress does however have the power to impeach the PM, and may do so if the PM signs an unpopular NAP. Also keep in mind that the PM's goal is to get re-elected, therefore and unpopular NAP will greatly affect his popularity. Basically I think that its good enough that congress can impeach the PM if an unwanted NAP is signed, and that sole action will render it useless.

What is your personal take on Jacobi's last four terms as ePM?

A) He is a nice, enthusiastic fellow, but he is not fit to run Canada. Being a nice guy alone doesn't mean you can run a nation for four terms.

Have you ever considered running for the top job yourself, and if not, who do you think might be suited for such an influential position?

A) Yes of course I am considering running for PM. However I am still raising funds for my own party, and I have no clue if any party is willing to have me run with them as PM. My plan is to run for PM asap, because Canada is in dire need of some change.


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