Oblige and Israel Stevens are TRAITORS!

Day 1,564, 21:22 Published in USA USA by General Cartman Lee

Want to see the REAL debate that occurred afterwards when all the candidates got together for a few drinks? Check it out:


In tonights sparsely attended "Presidential debate", where I was not invited to despite finishing second just two months ago as the primary competition and alternative to Oblige, a question was asked on how the candidates would behave towards little ole me. Chickensguys actually had the only mature answer and advocated for a dialogue, while Oblige expressed his support for the disgraceful infiltration and destruction of the NCP by LordRahl2, and Israel Stevens expressing his desire to "carpet bomb" our party. These comments are fundamentally un-American. Both of these pathetic excuses for candidates are traitors to America and its ideals.

If you support either of them then you support the complete and utter intolerance for all political dissent in America. They don't understand that while Americans may disagree or dislike eachother, this nation was built on mutual respect and working together as Americans, and not turning the country on itself. When loyalty to INCI comes before loyalty to our own countrymen, then we walk down a very sad and dangerous road. It is a very disturbing thing to consider, but ironically the United States of America is the least democratic and least free nation in the entire eWorld. This is very distressing, and it is not reflective of who we have been as a nation throughout much of our history. Despite their claims that I work with the "enemy" and that I am the traitor, my supporters consist overwhelmingly of real life Americans and EDEN expatriates, who are also targeted in this unholy inquisition. Don't believe the lies. Don't give in to the groupthink.

If you believe that we should not all drink the Turkish kool-aid, and do whatever the establishment elites want without question and if you believe that people should not bring real life prejudices in to eRepublik and target someone because they are a Christian and a Reagan conservative, then don't support either of these two people. If you want an America that is free and prosperous and strong, then don't vote for these two people. Don't be a two clicking party zombie and just vote for whoever your party endorses. Vote for the only candidate with an in-depth plan for our country. Vote for the only candidate advocating for unity. Think independently and tell your friends to vote for General Cartman Lee on March 5th.

In Liberty,
General Cartman Lee
Presidential Candidate

Keep the faith and fight on in the name of freedom!