NZ Nightly News - 11/23

Day 1,099, 22:49 Published in New Zealand USA by Fionia

Welcome to the New Zealand Nightly News, November 23rd edition. WARNING: This article is shorter and snarkier than usual.

The battle in Tasmania, of course!

The Australian forces have one the majority of mini-battles so far, but the New Zealand forces have not been completely winless. In one round that NZ ultimately won, the VPoNZ was on track to be the BH, when President calbe sniped it from her. All hail the warrior king, the decisive reactionary calbe!

A tax change on rifles to bring them back in line with the 1/1/15 tax scheme is passing 7 to 3.

A tax change on tanks to bring them back in line with the 1/1/15 tax scheme is passing 7 to 3.

A donation of NZD to the Reserve Bank of New Zealand is passing 17 to 5.

A tax change on food is failing 13 to 11.

Lulz proposals

These are proposals that are intended to be voted down, and are usually made at the end of the term so the congressmen can gain exp from voting on them.

Today we have Issue Money, Minimum Wage, and New Citizen Fee lulz proposals.

Arjay Phoenician, when he's not complaining about our government, supports Bolivia. And he's glad they won their RW today.

Pheonix Quinn writes what is apparently part 2 of a very odd story about ostriches. It's a bit on the long side, but entertaining.

NZ Civil Defence Orders should always be voted up.

President calbe fires back at Arjay's criticisms again. It should be noted, that for all of Arjay's snarking about calbe exclusively quoting him, Arjay is the only person to have written not one, but two massive articles criticizing calbe's communication.

And now, for your daily pic:

Signing off,