NZ Nightly News - 11/22

Day 1,098, 22:49 Published in New Zealand USA by Fionia

Welcome to the New Zealand Nightly News, November 22nd edition.

WAR. We have one. 🙂

The training war with Australia has started, and the first battle should be up tonight. President calbe has released a much-demanded article explaining this. The NZDF Public Orders are to fight in the Tasmania battle (once it starts, obviously).

There were a slew of reactionary articles, both about the war itself and calbe's article. Arjay Phoenician criticizes calbe for not communicating about the war, and then criticizes calbe's article communicating about the war. Wang Chung explains in simple terms how these War Games will affect our country, and Crusadercarl motivates the troops (😛).

The bug with proposals not going into effect has been fixed. See yesterday's article for more info.

Today we have:

A tax change on hospitals to bring them back to the 1/1/15 tax scheme. It is currently passing 22 to 2.

A donation of 603 gold to the Reserve Bank of eNew Zealand, the country's national org. It is passing 15 to 12.

The training war is live, and very soon, the battle in Tasmania will be, too.

We also have 3 Serbia vs. Romania and 1 US vs. UK battles still.

Mladen Mrkic calls for justice for Devoid, our Minister of Trade, who had about 1000 GOLD stolen when one of his orgs was hacked.

Roland Luca explains what drew him to the Kiwi Independent Party.

Dakota Leierer writes a daily news report. Somewhat shorter than mine, great for people who have really short attention spans.

Chetan Zapato interviews the other half of the Military High Command, Bass Junkie and reaktionaer.

Adam Reese leaves New Zealand. And nothing of value was lost.

Blank Keating makes an eRepublik Personality Quiz. Find out where you are on the scale of Mechanics vs. Morality in this game. Me personally? I'm a Mechanist.

As always, feel free to suggest international articles worthy of mention!

And now, for your daily pic:

Signing off,