NZ Nightly News - 11/15

Day 1,091, 21:39 Published in New Zealand USA by Fionia

Welcome to the New Zealand Nightly News, November 15th edition.

Since today is the 15th, it is Party President Election Day! Not that you would have known, because the admins have removed the reminder to vote from the front page.

The elections are going well, with the 2 known hostile Party Takeover attempts currently being foiled. # of the other parties had some strong domestic competition, and one party, Aortearoa, had only one candidate. It's not quite clear yet what is going on in the New Zealand Browncoats Party, more updates will be made if necessary.

If you have not voted yet, join a party, then go to

The tax changes that were mentioned in a previous edition of this paper have been proposed for food. The vote is currently 16 Yes to 11 No.

No battles from the American MPP today, but there were Serbian battles in Vojvodina, Southern Great Plain, and Eastern Serbia.

Chetan Zapato continues his interview series with Minister of Finance, Necros Xiaoban (who is getting interviewed a lot lately, apparently).

Supabeasty provides an overview of all the European battles today.

voice lends her voice (pun entirely intended) to the tax debate, going industry by industry.

An update of the Ministry of Fun, including their No-Shave November and essay contests, written by wahoobob.

Hobbiton begins his series of interviews with eIrish players with Nithraldur. It's a lengthy interview, but fascinating insight by an older player.

Blank Keating explains how the admins' meddling with strength and the media module might have the exact opposite effect they were hoping for. Are the changes really turning new players away more than convincing them to stay?

And now, for your daily laugh:

Signing off,