NZ Nightly News - 11/14

Day 1,090, 17:17 Published in New Zealand USA by Fionia

Welcome to the New Zealand Nightly News, November 14th edition.

Our top story tonight is a string of odd proposals and congressmen resigning.

SlovenianChampion resigned after proposing a 50 gold donation to his org (being voted down 24 to 2 so far), as well as a lulz tax change on food (being voted down 25 to 1).

Corazon_de_Caballero proposed an impeachment against President Calbe, which is being voted down 23 to 2.
EDIT: He has now also proposed a new citizen fee change and resigned as well.

Israel Sky Gonzalez also resigned, following his proposing to issue money and raise the minimum wage.

The only other proposal today was another broken New Citizen Message.

In the first Sunday edition of Angry Panda, Micheal J. Frost interviews Minister of Finance Necros Xiaoban.

Albert Neurath, party-sponsored PP candidate of the PnPP, continues his series on gaining political power with Part 3, attracting the masses.

Don KronoX, Slovenian congressman and one of 2 Vice Presidents, presents what he calls a set of emergency tax changes. Devoid, the Minister of Trade, responded in his top 5 article, The Case for Free Trade.

Kiwi Kontrol returns, explaining what's happened since the last Congressional elections, and what's going to happen in the upcoming Party President and Congressional elections.

Voting has begun for the NZ People's Choice Awards, organized by Supabeasty!

Jameson L. Tai wrote an open letter to the admins (which has now been closed), after his article discussing a tragic accident that killed some of his close friends was removed. Even though the thread was closed and the letter can't be signed, it's worth knowing how insensitive the people moderating this game can be sometimes.

On a lighter note, former Kiwi and provisional President Myles Robinson writes an article about his new job as eUS Chief of Staff.

Think this section is looking a little empty? Feel free to PM me suggestions for articles to include in tomorrow's edition.

Signing off,