Now It's My Turn

Day 901, 16:28 Published in Israel Israel by Sam Krak



So much that isn't common between these two nations. And yet, I was able to find this.

and this.

and this.

I also found this.

I love basketball, so I liked it.

I'm not gonna tell you how to vote this one. I'm not even gonna tell you how I feel, or which way I will vote. Why? Because I don't even know. There are so many positives and negatives that everyone has given on both sides of the issue that has swayed me over to both sides. I will tell you this:

Whichever action we take will have MAJOR reactions. I just took the SAT's on May 1st. The essay for the writing portion was about small decisions having major consequences. This, to me, is irony. I couldn't think of anything to write about. I wish I had my SAT's today. 😛

Another thing. Newton's 3rd Law: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Normally this applies to physics, but when looked at in a broader view, it applies to everything, including this predicament which we have.

I just had to put this out. You know who is really losing this decision? eIsrael. We are tearing ourselves apart over this, and maybe the Turks won't have to do anything to us. They could sit and watch us destroy ourselves. I wrote an article a while back. Like, A WHILE BACK.

Here's the Article: THE ARTICLE

It was about party factions. I now realize it wasn't party factions. It was just eIsrael. We're killing ourselves over this. Just saying.

The bill is at 11-6 in Turkey over peace with eIsrael. Soon PK will put Turkey's PP down for us. I hope that we choose the correct path, whichever it made be. For the sake of our country.

"Nobody ever did, or ever will, escape the consequences of his choices."
-Alfred A. Montapert

Yours in eIsrael's Hands,

Sam Krakower