November Congress Elections

Day 731, 02:22 Published in Japan Japan by no1kevlin
Vote no1kevlin for a Better eJapan

I'm seeking election for a third straight term in Kyushu and would like to call on my friends and supporters to back me.

I've had another successful term this month and have raised many issues brought to me by citizens of not only Kyushu but also througout eJapan and I will continue to be available for advice and help[ to all if elected again.

I didn't manage to set up the Housing Association I had hopes to this term to encourage citizens to get on the housing ladder as the funding wasn't available to make it a reality so I will make that my number one priority this next term if chosen to serve.

I did however start a new initiative in it's place. The Kyushu Board of Health is an ORG entirley funded by myself that is dedicated to gifting Kyushu residents who have slipped below 40 wellness so that they may then go on and fight in wargames to get 90+ wellness.

It has already helped several citizens and will continue to do so in the future. If you live in Kyushu and need help with your wellness then get in touch and then read my guide to Why Wellness Matters to get it back to 90+

My ongoing mission to increase the population of Kyushu in order for citizens to take advantageof the Q5 Hospital and boost the effectiveness of the Q5 Defence System I donated is going well with an increase of 30% this last month.

The Government is currently running a relocation scheme to help citizens move to a Q5 Hospital region like Kyushu so if you want to come hear just get in touch with myself, Crawling Chaos or Metic for a free moving ticket.

I look forward to seeing a great turnout this time and hope I get the chance to serve you all again this coming month. We will be publishing a seperate article with the official TFC Party Candidiates on closer to election day.

VOTE no1kevlin
VOTE Kyushu First