Not-so-Breaking-News: eAmerica fails...again!

Day 622, 07:06 Published in Russia Russia by Alexei Kiramov

Issue 2:

The second is almost never as good as the first, but i'll do my best to keep you amused and intrested.

It is with great satisfaction that any player in a Peace country opens the eGobba maps. A smile slowly spreads upon your lips as you initially wonder. 'where's America?' you think, but then you slide deeper into your chair (sofa, bed, stool or toilet seat) and release and inaudible sigh of joy at realising that you aren't looking at a rainbow in a blender, but in fact what was once the eUsa and eCanada. You realise what once apears to be a skid mark on America or a well deserved turd, is in fact portugal. A relatively minor country feeding of it's victims ego. Yes infact if you have'nt already opened the map, you've opened it now, and are going through the exact emotions i have mentioned.

So it's another day in eRepublik, you open the page, enjoy the various anouncments of the latest state America or Canada have lost. Then you read through some patriotic bs some of the newpapers produce, and then to supplement that go on the forums and enjoy humiliating that Devon kid who's 3 day's old but doesn't shut up. To be honest I think he's actually operated by a peace member who's doing it on purpose to make the Americans look (if it's possible) worse. I mean, a person can't REALLY be that stupid and still figure out how to spell his own name?

On a more serious note this is a newspaper, and i do have to actually give a bit of news so here it goes: Portugal has given up virginia so it doesnt border spain and thus can't be blocked by them.
Russia's conquered Idaho of the Canadians, most likely to have a platform to attack washington which is high in grain.

Thats pretty much all the most intresting stuff, although if u want more detail i'd recomend the eRussian Journal (Y)

So America and Canada have been raped by half the world, or at least's that how they're behaving.
Great time to have a baby boom eh America? Look at their society page, almost 300 noobs a day!You can imagine how the meeting went.

President: We need to win this war but how?
Advisor 1: I know lets complain loads on the forums!
President: No we've already tried that, and we looked like trolls
Advisor 2: Oh i know lets say they're cheating and the game's system is wrong?
President: But they're not cheating and the system is fine 😒
Advisor 3: I know, lets advertise everywhere and make a baby boom!
President: Thats a wonderful idea!
Advisor 1: but sir we're running out of grain, and the food we do produce is too expensive for noobs. Plus noobs will get over excited and start spamming the forums with stupid Patriotism and we'll look even worse and live up to the standards of our glorious nation again!

President: Silence, i trust Advisior 3 more than all of you!
Advisor 2: But that's because he's your second account!
President: you're fired.

You know, this game would be SO much less fun without the eAmericans.

(Sorry for any spelling mistake's, it would take ages for me to correct all of them. Sorry to people who can't read english, although of course you can't even read that.....I can write in russian but i havent got a russian key board)
btw if you liked this article, you'll love the first one, check it out!

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