Norway's New Empire!

Day 1,267, 03:49 Published in Norway Norway by Yan Hoek

Ok, something a bit random to lighten the quiet Norwegian days.

I hearby announce Norway is going to have an empire again! Yay!

Maybe not as grand as our Finno-Russian regions back in the old days but something new and exciting.

Check the world map. Go on! See all that vast grey space between us and Canada? Well that's ours. Or at least it will be!

Stage 1: Conquest of Faroe Islands.

To block any attempt by eUK to stop us we need to secure the Southern reaches of our new empire. Transport ships will sail from Jan Mayen at 14:00 CET today.

Everyone who is interested in helping out please post your daily damage below (that is damage done in any erep battle - and yes, I can check).

The Faroes have a area of 1,399km2 so I reckon a total damage of 699,500 (500 damage per km2) will be enough to pacify any resistance! Oh and yeah, you get to keep whatever you conquer. Want to be Earl of Borðoy? Then do a total of 48,000 damage! I will divide it up depending on results when the limit has been reached.

Stage 2: Conquest of Iceland.

Having put down any lasting resistance we will move North-west and secure Iceland.

Stage 3: Conquest of Greenland.

Our final prize, the mineral wealth of Greenland will be ours!

Therefore we invade the Faroe Islands tonight! Good luck Norway!

Alt for Norge