Norty Norty Joke

Day 482, 07:50 Published in South Africa Romania by ZironiaInc
Yeah,so I guess I'll give this a shot too,since everyone is so big on it.

One day,while sailing on a yacht, Jizzie, Kiwifire and Rico Suave ran into quite a storm which obviously wrecked the damn yacht(and what a ship it used to be🙁).
So long story short,the three blokes ended up stranded on an island called Tropical8Island.They had heard stories of the people living here...vicious cannibals some said,others had no say in the matter because they hadn't returned.In their hurry to leave the ship,our three heroes didn't have much of a chance to pick up anything from the sinking ship.
Jizzie was in the bathroom and managed to salvage a towel,Kiwi who was in the kitchen took a frying pan while Rico,who had been hitting the bottle during the whole trip,barely managed to save himself.

As they stood on the beach,pondering on what they should do they saw three figures coming their way.They obviously panicked.They saw fit to shove their heads into the sand and hope for the best.

The cannibals approached and,had the heroes not burried their heads in the sand they would have noticed who they were😮ne fierce Chieftan called Black8Shadow one sexy cannibal Sexy8Girl and a younger skinnier one Keanu Stryker.They all stared at the strange objects in front of them.
Black8Shadow asked "What do you reckon these are?".Sexy8Girl was quick to answer "They're definitely slot machines.Look,they have handles and all!","So let's play!Let's!Let's!Let's!" a delighted Keanu squeaked.
Not awaiting any answer from his two companions he rushed to the Jizzie slot machine and was quick to pull the "handle".A towel was promptly offered to him.
Seeing this,the sexy woman approached the Kiwi slot machine and gently but firmly pulled the "handle",she too was offered something immediately: a cooking."This is nice!" she said excited "You should try it chief!".Not wanting to be any less brave than his companions, Black8Shadow went to the last slot machine he then violently pulled the "handle",nothing was offered.Annoyed,he pulled again,even harder,again nothing came of the whole effort.Seeing that the violent approach yielded no results,he gently took the "handle" and pulled.
He turned to his companions triumphantly."You think you're so cool with your towel and frying pan,you're nothing compared to what I got,nothing!"he yelled."What did you get chief?What?What?What?"both his companions asked.
"Oh nothing" Black8Shadow responded "Just the coolest shampoo you can find on this bloody island!"

If you were expecting knock-knock jokes...I'm sorry to disappoint you.