Northwest Croatia and Slavonia-EPIC WIN

Day 738, 22:38 Published in USA USA by batterytime

Lika and Gorski Kotar has been secured by Croatia
It's official! All three regions of Croatia have been secured! \o/


22:35 Deificus O7
22:35 batterytime O7!!!
22:35 Michael_IIII o7
22:35 Dimension \0
22:35 _time Hooah!
22:35 jalwaysr sweet
22:35 Ecco o7
22:35 mjmnum1 o7
22:35 |8-Bit| o7
22:35 ralphypants O7
22:35 Guais sweet
22:35 melkorroklem o7
22:35 Tremaine wooo! O7
22:35 Lord_Aphex 07
22:35 Holt O7
22:35 Deificus Good job, soldiers.
22:35 Cawagula o7
22:35 Belldandi o7
22:35 Jaws11 o7
22:35 JohnMJarvis o7
22:35 Travis_Bergman o7
22:35 wars_7 O&
22:35 Quanah_Parker O7
22:35 elizabopolous o7
22:35 Skylancer 07
22:35 Rawket wooooot
22:35 Bluh o7
22:35 Bia_Pandora o7
22:35 wars_7 O7
22:35 MacKennon O7
22:35 jankems o9
22:35 wars_7 lol
22:35 Heyshutup o7
22:35 Guy_Herrin 3333333333333333
22:35 Rawket O7
22:35 DStone Nice job, gentlemen.
22:35 _time o7
22:35 Cstarlight21 O7
22:35 Cawagula o7

Thank you to all EDEN/BRO tanks, soldiers, civilians, and new players alike. We all helped to make this grand finish possible.