Northern Ireland Update #1

Day 806, 11:46 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by NI Social Benefits Office

Northern Ireland Update - 03/02/2010

Please remember to vote and subscribe, the eNI Tribune relies on these to get its message out to the community.

Dear Northern Irelanders,

Welcome to your update of the latest goings on in and around Northern Ireland. These articles aim to give you an insight into what goes on in your region (even if you are currently living in the Fortress Region of London).

Latest News


Over the past week, we've seen our latest three (due to an Erep bug) congressmen take to the stage. They are as follows:

Jacen Molare (TUP)

Luke Axle (UKRP)

Teh User (TUP)

Remember to use these people as a point of contact for citizens new and old with any queries or questions. We all know how tough it can be to get a grasp of things. I am also available to contact (Just message Tom Fletcher).

Forums and IRC

Remember citizens, if you haven't already, make sure you get onto the forums and comment in our regional Northern Ireland forums to have your say and see what's going on. We also have an IRC channel on, called #enorthernireland . Feel free to visit whenever and talk to those citizens online about whatever you wish. Don't know what IRC is? Take a look at the IRC help thread on the eNorthern Ireland regional forums here, which walks you through everything to do with setting up an IRC account and getting online. Remember, eNorthern Ireland holds citizen discussion meetings on our IRC channel every two weeks (with the next meeting on 14th February 2010), where you can talk to your senate members, congressmen and other citizens about what's going on and what to do next. Remember! This is open to you even if you have currently moved to the Fortress Region in London. This will also remain open if eNorthern Ireland is successfully invaded in game.

The Senate

The Senate meets often to discuss schemes and changes to improve the region.

The recent senate elections have now also drawn to a close. The current members of your local council are as follows:

Speaker: Jacen Molare (Congressman)

The speaker organises proposals for the region and sets up debates and polls.

Entertainment: Name in Wash

The Senator for Entertainment organises events and schemes for the fun of Northern Ireland citizens.

Armed Services: thehorseltd

The Senator for Armed Services organises proposals and efforts to do with serving members of Northern Ireland.

Health: Weylif Veers

The Senator for Health helps to make sure our citizens remain healthy and fighting fit, whilst making sure they stay on and make great eUK citizens.

Finance: john12306

The Senator for Finance looks after Northern Ireland funding and finds ways of making money to help our citizens.

Media (including Tourism): Tom Fletcher (Me)

The Senator for Media (including Tourism) writes the articles for the Norn Iron Tribune and finds ways of encouraging people to move to the region.

Special Advisor: Tortea

A Special Advisor helps to advise on various areas, offering a second opinion whilst also finding ways of improving player retention levels.

Feel free to contact any of these members about anything to do with the game or eNorthernIreland. You can view more information about what's going on in the Senate in our section on the eUK forums here. Remember, any Northern Ireland citizen can apply and get involved!

Young Journalist Scheme

I am now searching for eNorthern Irelanders to take part in our 'Young Journalist' scheme. Click the link at the bottom of this article to apply. The idea is to get eNI citizens; young and old to have a go at doing my job and informing our citizens of ideas, what's going on and absolutely anything they want to talk about. Feel free to let your thoughts (try and keep it about Erepublik) flow freely; talk about ePolitics, eSport etc, anything you want!

Young Member's Mentorship Scheme

The eNorthern Ireland mentorship scheme will also be starting soon. The idea is for new eNorthern Ireland members to have a 'mentor'. The mentor list is currently undecided, but feel free to message me (Tom Fletcher) if you would be interested in being a mentor or being mentored, or know someone who could do with being mentored. The active eNorthern Ireland community has members with great knowledge of finance, politics and fighting. Whatever you want to know, we've got the members who can answer your questions!

Invasion Threat

Famous eUK citizen Mr Woldy encourages Northern Ireland citizens to move to London while the invasion threat is present.

Finally, I move onto the issue of our current invasion. It is important at this stage, with two eUK original regions captured as I speak that citizens of Northern Ireland temporarily move to London. This is because here we are building what's known as a 'Fortress Region'. By massing all our citizens in one region, we make that region extremely hard and expensive to invade, making it far more likely we will hold onto London, which is our one high region. Remember, eNorthern Ireland can still be defended from London, so it's best to move there now and help fight off the six pronged attack from the USA, Canada, Norway, Sweden, Poland and Spain.

If you cannot afford or don't want to spend the money for a Moving Ticket to London, follow either of these links and hit send to have one donated to you free of charge:

Moving Tickets #1 Moving Tickets #2

This article was written by Tom Fletcher, current Senator for Media for Northern Ireland