Northern Exposure - Special Announcements

Day 1,698, 13:29 Published in USA Canada by Acacia Mason

Its 23:24 as I look out my hotel window in Prague. I have time on my hands and I figured this is just as good a time as any to publish an article before I fly to Amsterdam on Monday

A podcast is a labour of love. It takes a great deal of dedication to put together a radio program every week and fill 90 mins or so with what you hope will be something entertaining.

When I started Northern Exposure, I never imagined it would have been as well received as it has been. With over 12,000 listens to date...yeah...12,000...even I can’t wrap my head around appears that you enjoy the show as much as I have enjoyed doing it. What started as a very simple format, has gone through two major evolutions into what is now a full fledged panel discussion with a 3 topic focus that takes on a quasi “The View”/”CNN” type of feel to it.

With my migration to the eUS, I was concerned for the future of the show. Rooted in Canadian politics and issues, and dripping with Maple Syrup with a side order of bacon, I wondered if my new American family would find any value in what I was producing. To my surprise, it did.

Since arriving in the eUS, Northern Exposure has received very positive reviews and the show has once again taken an evolution from a grassroots Canadian focus, to a broader, more global view of the issues. Though the focus still remains deeply connected to the North American Experience. With this most recent evolution, came the best changes to have ever happened to Northern Exposure...the arrival of a co-host.

Goran Thrax is well known in eCanada as one of the wisest and most reliable people in game. The depth and breadth of his experiences from 3 years of experience in game make him a very valuable asset to the show. From political policy, to military strategy, to economics, to community relations, there is little in eCanada, that doesn’t sport Goran Thrax’s fingerprints. His levelheaded and balanced approach to everything is a great moderation to my more extreme approach to issues. Goran Thrax is a little bit “Country” and I am a little bit “Rock and Roll”. We have done work together on the air in the past and so I knew the chemistry was going to be great. After a couple of shows together now, it seems you feel the same way too. I am pleased to announce that Goran Thrax has graciously accepted my offer to have him as a full time co-host.

Over the course of the show, Rylde, has been a staple during the call in portion of things. I like to jokingly refer to him as the caller who just wont go away, and frankly, I am glad he hasn’t. During the numerous occasions in which Rylde has called in, I have always received feedback that he should be on more often. It does not take long for people in the #Northern-Exposure channel to push him to call in. Brash, Abrasive, in your face, and always willing to tell it like it is, Rylde brings a dimension to the show that every good panel needs. If I am Rock and Roll and Goran Thrax is Country, then Rylde is my Heavy Metal. I liken Rylde to a mix between Simon Cowell and Howard Stern...and I like it. After last weeks episode in which Rylde spent almost the entirety of the show on air, the feedback about the quality of the show was fever pitch. It was clear what had to be done.

You asked for it, now you’ve got it. Please join me in formally welcoming Rylde as our third full time co-host of Northern Exposure.

Its been a great run so far and I can’t wait to log another 12,000 listens with this new stellar panel. I believe the best is yet to come for Northern Exposure, and with Goran Thrax and Rylde now helping to steer the good ship, Podcast, I can only imagine that what was already a great show, is going to reach new heights in media podcasting excellence.

Venoms has graciously offered to reproduce the Northern Exposure article in his newspaper so that it appears in the Canadian Media. The show article will be out 1 day in advance so subscribe to his newspaper to keep up with us. Thank you Venoms for volunteering to do this, we are very thankful!

The media module in eRep affords us a unique opportunity to communicate. Northern Exposure is a great adjunct to your media pleasure and we hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoy doing it.

Yours In National Unity,