Northern Exposure - 5/31/2012 - Headline News Special

Day 1,654, 08:25 Published in USA Canada by Acacia Mason

Northern Exposure: 5/31/2012

I am LIVE on air at 14:30 eRep time...why not listen in on the Link at the bottom of this article

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Opening Music


Northern Exposure has obtained the exclusive rights to an interview with sitting eCanadian CP, Sperry. As most of you know, eCanada has voted to leave EDEN. In his first and only official one on one interview, Prime Minister Sperry will sit down with me and discuss all the insights into what led to this historic decision, what it means for eCanada and the International stage, and where we go from here.

You WON'T want to miss this episode!

Closing Music

Link: Northern Exposure 5/31/2012