Norsefire Goes Aurora

Day 1,335, 11:03 Published in Sweden Germany by Flitwick

It is today Sunday, July 17 2011. And this is a day to remember. This is the day when the dark side switched to the light side.
Did that sound a little cryptic to you? Well, let me explain.

21 days ago Norsefire had just lost a congress member in a bloody battle. It was the battle of Copenhagen. Which essentially means, that democracy ruled and Spirn did not get reelected, and at the same time, we did not get Uros188 or Sergiusz Z elected, even though they for a very long time looked like they would be. Getting six congress members had been too much to ask for, especially when other parties in Homonavia had a very good reason to do all in their power, to not have any of us in Congress, if possible.

Just two days before the congress election, everyone from Norsefire resigned from governmental work. This was as a consequence on how the whole Ministry of Finance scandal had been handled and how it ended. Yoshi Midori, a very capable man, was appointed Minister of Finance but was not allowed access to anything that had to do with the finances. At the same time everyone in the ministry refused to cooperate. Yoshi Midori asked to get all fiscal reports, but was not given any. He asked to be informed how much of each currency and how much gold Homonavia had in its vaults. It was never given.
There was only two directions this could go. Either the entire staff in Ministry of Finance was cleaned out and Yoshi Midori was given access to what was needed, including hiring new staff. Or Yoshi Midori had to resign as Minister of Finance.
The first part would never happen, as friendship overpowers sanity in this case. Yoshi Midori resigned and so did the rest of the government workers from Norsefire.
Breindahl and Spirn closed the Ministry of Industry. Flitwick resigned as Chief of Staff. Pho3nix left the Ministry of Education.
In this current term, we have been asked to help in certain ministries, but have declined, as there are some issues that has to be taken care of before we can support any government.

So, first we resigned all positions of power we had, then we get a much worse congress election than we had hoped for, we had to ask ourselves, what is wrong.

It has seemed for quite some time, that other parties referred to Norsefire as the fascist party. It did not make sense. Yes, there had been some jokes about it in a comment somewhere, but it was a joke. Why did so many people still see Norsefire as something dark and wrong?

One of our members Googled Norsefire. Many of the members had been under the impression, that the Norse in Norsefire was something from the Norse mythology. What else could it be. The result of the Google search stunned several members.
Norsefire, the logo, colour, even the slogan, had been directly taken from the movie V for Vendetta. In this movie Norsefire is portrayed as a fascist party. A far right wing party, where unity goes through faith.

Of course many of the older members of Norsefire already knew this. They had made the party and for the fun of it called it Norsefire, and used the plot from the movie for the party. That was back when Norsefire was just for the fun of it. When the members did not really take it that serious. That, was a different time.

It felt really awkward. No one in Norsefire feels fascist at all. All we want to have is a multinational Homonavia, that speaks English, has fair taxes and VAT, has a strong military and an excellent education for everyone. The party is positioned in the centre when it comes to politics, as we would like to have the best from both sides.
It was all very clear, we had to do something to get rid of this fascist image. An image that is not at all true or fitting. The party had to change.

Welcome to Aurora
There is no more Norsefire. We are now Aurora.

Aurora means light. Many know the word from Aurora Borealis, which is the Latin words for Northern Light.
When it comes to Aurora as a party, it can be interpreted as Enlightenment. Aurora stands for transparency, liberty and education, and if you put all these things together, you get enlightenment.

Aurora is a party that fights for knowledge. We want everyone to know, what is going on in the government. Stop the secrets. There is no sound reasoning for keeping everything a secret, there is no sound reasoning for having people hired in Riksbanken that do not want to do bookkeeping. A part of the job here, is to keep track of everything that goes in and goes out. The people have the right to know.

We fight for the right to know what is going on in The Swedish Military. What is all the money being spent on. Is it being spent correctly or could we change the way it is spent? We probably could, but as no one except a very closed circle has any idea what is going on, it is impossible for the congress to do any changes.
TSM is dependent on the congress. If the congress do not give TSM money, TSM would cease to exist.
In return, The Swedish Military should as a bare minimum provide statistics on how efficiently the money has been used. It is not much to ask. Provide the figures on expenses, if you want more money.

A good union has a good and strong military. Aurora want Homonavia to have the strongest military we can muster. And if this cost one million SEK a month, then so be it. Aurora will vote yes to donate those money, as long as the part about transparency mentioned above, has been fulfilled.

In the Ministry of Education they have adapted the old Norsefire education system (WolfPack). We are glad to see the idea being used, however it has been modified to such a degree that it does not work properly.

This is why Aurora is planning to start its own version of the program, which will make being a newborn a completely unique experience.

Aurora is a party, that likes to reward the ones - that is a reward worthy. So if you are newborn and you do well in our "training program", you will be rewarded for this. As an Aurora Spark, you will get a full introduction to the game and will get to know a lot of new people, making the gaming experience much better than if you are just playing on your own.

Where to find us
Aurora has launched a new website and it is on this site the Aurora party will do what it does - we will of course still be very active in the media and on, as usual!
It is through this site we will run the Aurora Sparks program, it is on this site we will have our internal communication (as soon as the forum is ready) and it is here we will have most of the fun, when there is nothing to do in the game itself. And even if you are not a member of Aurora, you will still be able to register on the site and have fun with us - we welcome everyone to join!

Besides that, the site also contains our politics (see full Aurora manifest here) and an integrated IRC client (which is very easy to use).

If you wish to visit Aurora on your own IRC client, we can be found at #Aurora on the QuakeNet network. Also, as something brand new, Aurora will be on twitter, where we will comment and discuss news and updates in the Union and in Aurora. Feel free to tweet us any questions you have - we can be found at #Aurora_Party on Twitter or at the Twitter widget on the Aurora front page.

We are looking forward to a brighter future - Join Aurora today if you also want to see, just how bright it can get!

Sincerely Yours,

PS. The Game is a little non-cooperative when it comes to changes the logo, but it will come, as soon as possible.