No, no, no, no, NO!

Day 688, 11:05 Published in Canada Canada by Lucky_Strike

Approximately three hours ago, PM William Duncan opened a proposal for a Q4 hospital to be bought and placed in Nova Scotia. The price? A dollar short of 4000.00 CAD. While hospitals play a crucial role in Canada’s well-being and the advancement of its citizens, purchasing anything short of a Q5 is an ineffective use of money.

As pretty much everyone knows, you gain 10 wellness points per quality level of hospital. So: Q1 gives +10, Q2 gives +20 and so forth. Unfortunately, this approach is not a good one. As you know, each level you reach beginning with 16, you obtain five gold. With this gold, you can serve and protect your country by buying weapons with which to defend it, wellness packs, gifts to exchange with your fellow soldiers and better food to have higher wellness to fight longer.

What does this have to do with the Q4 hospital? Compared to when you heal at a Q5, you are being short-changed by 10 wellness points, which amounts to a fight in a battle, which is worth two experience points. In other words, by going to a Q4 rather than a Q5, you handicap your ability to gain experience points, and therefore the speed at which you level up and therefore you have less gold to help your country in wartime.

With citizens knowing this (or who now know it after reading this article), why would anyone move to a region with a Q4 hospital when there is already a Q5 in Alberta? In fact, very few would and even then, you’d have to question their reasoning, all else being equal. You could argue: “But hold on, isn’t a Q4 better than nothing?” Sadly, no. Because virtually no one would move to a region with a Q4 over one with a Q5 (all else being equal), which in turn would mean the Q4 would go largely unused.

Therefore, spending money on a Q4 is wasteful, even if per quality level, the price is cheaper when compared to a Q5. You can train in the army wherever you are in Canada, you can work in any Canadian region no matter where you live (i.e. work in BC but live in Newfoundland) so there is little else to distinguish regions from one another. The only thing that is a big determining factor of where you choose to live is the hospital, since you have to be in that particular region to use it.

Short of Q1 to Q4 hospitals being donated to us or sold to us at a massive discount (i.e. a price like 100 CAD), purchasing anything other than a Q5 hospital is a giant waste.

The congressional vote currently stands at 12-7 in favour of buying the hospital. If you feel as I do, oppose it! Get in touch with your congressmen and women and urge them to refuse the proposal.

For eCanada.