Day 751, 09:06 Published in Japan Japan by no1kevlin
Indonesia Proposes Peace

The Indonesian Presiednt Bajaj has just put up a peace proposal in game here and it is going to be voted through shorly.

This state of war only came about after they attacked Malaya who we have a MPP with for Wargames, there was never any ill feeling towards Japan or intention to attack us.

We have had enough war and fighting in this part of the world recently and I applaud their peaceful actions here to diffuse tension and close down the state of war.

All that is required now is for Japanese President Dokomo to put up a similar peace proposal in game for our side and for us to vote YES for peace between Japan and Indonesia.

I look forward to a state of peace between our nations and one more step towards peace in east asia!

Member of Congress for Fortress Kyushu
TFC Party President

Ten Thousand Years!