No Bullsh**t: The Presidential Dream

Day 951, 15:27 Published in USA USA by batterytime


I am not a politician. Rather, I am a dedicated economist, and a lifelong soldier in our armed forces.

Then why am I running?

It is very simple. The role of president in this country is one of leader, one of visionary and one of commander.

I believe I fulfill those roles.

I seek to prove that the hallowed halls of the White House and the Oval Office are not won by media innundation, or the amount of scantily clad girls in one's articles, but rather by one's talent and drive for improving the nation. I am not a mainstream media figurehead, and people tell me that that is my weakness, my Achilles' heel that will prevent me from ever winning the presidency.

No. Rather, that is my strength.

With V2 incoming, and its complex economic system, we will need a president with a strong economic background.
With V2 incoming, and its new military system, we will need a president with a strong military background.

I am the current eUS Secretary of the Treasury, and was the original creator of the tax model "Project Amber" that is continued to be used today in an evolved form to decided the eUS tax system. I was one of the main negotiators as well as one of the main leaders in the discussion with and the subsequent rental deals with Poland, Ireland and Sweden, which will both bolster our diplomatic relationships and our coffers.

I am a former eArmy military leader who once co-commanded the Army Group East, and have a broad background in the inner workings of both the V1 and V2 military systems.

America, I believe it is time for a new type of president: one who is measured only by their abilities, and not elected by a popularity contest. The time for change is NOW: I, batterytime, submit myself for consideration for the office of president.

You can find me on IRC in #BTforPresident on the Rizon network.