Nithraldur for President

Day 528, 07:13 Published in Ireland Australia by Severin Organization

I am delighted to announce Nithraldur as Irish Union Party candidate for the Presidency. For those who don't know him. Nithraldur is one among the party's most experienced and esteemed members. He served many terms as Irish Union Party Congressman in Dublin, he has previous experience as country president and has been in eIreland for more than a year (except for a week in Belgium when he was starting out). He is a man dedicated to this country, someone who has long watched over eIreland from behind the scenes stepping in only when the time calls for it. That time is now.

eIreland has been plagued with the same empty promises for too long. It seems in every election we get promised the same thing just said in a different way. Nithraldur himself recently wrote a popular article on the issue: Age before beauty. This political repetition has to end. Our citizens deserve ACTION and that is exactly why I am putting Nithraldur forward.

Many preach that there is need for change, need for 'new' blood. I'm sure there are many others, like myself, wondering... why? We have able men around who know the ropes and who still live to see the young culture. Why not vote for someone who can combine knowledge and history with new ideas? It saddens me to say, that after reflecting upon one of the more recent manifestos, I have come to the conclusion that there still are politicians who do not take Nith's advice and continue spreading empty words. All of this just begs for someone to put a man forward to thwart this new phenomenon.

Nith knows there is no quick fix to problems in eIreland . He doesn't make unattainable promises that sound nice but are never kept. In the past he recognized the importance of consistent ongoing work in relation to the economy and our defense. Furthermore, he realized the importance of making eIreland's voice heard abroad and maintaining contacts while improving our foreign relations. I won't go as I don't want to spoil what he himself will later say.

A manifesto will be published closer to the election and he will later announce his running mate. For now I challenge citizens to look at past Presidential manifestos and look at what has actually been done. Finally, I strongly encourage citizens to look beyond party politics and the mud slinging of the past that has done nothing but diminish the quality of our politicians.

Just as a side note, a link to the new Irish Union Party forum can be foundhere.

Thank you for your attention and time,